2022: year in review

Lots of things, some I probably am forgetting, but here’s a visual recap! I present to you 2022, the peaks and the pits of my year!

It was nice to notice that as I did inventory of my year my mind went more to the things I am thankful for experiencing, rather than things I missed or that were overwhelming.

Obviously, a year is never all peaks, but the more I practice gratitude the more I realize the peaks start to outweigh the pits. Or the peaks make the pits feel not as dark because I know they’re all temporary, both the peaks and the pits.

Typically I take inventory of my year right before my birthday, and sometimes during the calendar year too. I have never mapped it out visually, I usually just do the ole list formation, a classic. But mapping it out was satisfying in a way I wasn’t really expecting.

I hope whatever your year was you are able to see the peaks, and that no matter the pits, they are always temporary.

Wishing you more peaks than pits, and whatever you may need in 2023 ❤️


November & me